


(2)Karl Marx, Zur Kritik der politischen Oekonomie. Berlin, 1859. p.4.
(3)Nicolas Barbon, A Discourse on coining the new money lighter, in answer to Mr.Locke’s Considerations etc. London 1696. p.2,3.
(4)N. Barbon, 1. c.p.16.
(6)John Locke, Some Considerations on the Consequences of the lowering of Interst. 1691., Works. ed.London 1777 vol.Ⅱ. p.28.
(8)Stofflicher Träger.
(9)ein der Waare innerlicher, immanenter Tauschwert (valeur intrinséque).
(10)Le Trosne, De I’Intéret Social, Physiocrates. ed Daire. Paris 1846. p.889.
(11)One sort of wares are as good as another, if the value be equal. There is no difference of distinction in things of equal value...... One hundred pounds worth of lead or iron, is of as great a value as one hundred pounds worth of silver and gold. (N. Barbon 1. c.p. 53 u.7).
(16)Some Thoughts on the Interest of Money in general, and particularly in the Public Funds etc. Lond., p.36.
(17)Le Trosne 1.c.p. 893.
(18)K. Marx, 1.c.p. 6.
(21)für andere.
(24)nützliche Arbeit.

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